I have stepped into a leadership role -Amy

When I  started the program I felt stuck in moving forward and stepping into a leadership role.  I was struggling with a lack of motivation and confidence. I was also very anxious. It felt as if my hands were cuffed and I could not take action on what was important to me. 

By the end of the program, I had started my Art & Adventure Club, which now has over 70 members, and a project-based learning pod, which is also growing.

I was also very frustrated with living in fear of being harmed and accepting good things happening to me. I felt as if I was always being sabotaged and that I am not allowed to succeed.  It felt as if a curse was put on me in a past life. 

At the end of the program, I walked with the belief that it is okay to be successful, shine my light and step into a leadership role. I felt worthy and deserving. Before working with Mariam, I was unsure that things could ever get better for me and now I have more trust that things will improve.

This program helped me to trust that healing is possible!

My number one result I would say was resolving some of the issues around my mother and also the persecution, I faced in previous lifetimes.

Uncovering the curse that was placed on me in a previous life was huge.  I feel that when I did this, I got to the root cause of many of my struggles in this lifetime!

Some transformations I also walked away with were;

I got clarity on some of the root causes of my anxiety and I feel safe and supported.

I faced my fears,  expressed my desires, and stepped into leadership 

I took steps in setting boundaries with my challenging relationship so that it no longer wreaks havoc on my life.

The negative hold was reduced substantially and I no more felt held back 

I stepped not fully but definitely much more into my worth but am not completely there yet.

I now know that our struggles are all part of a plan to serve a higher purpose, oppression has a reason. Our great leaders also went through great oppression. 

I now realize that the people we are experiencing challenges with agreed to come down here to play the role of villain so we could overcome it and help others who are dealing with a similar struggle. 

AND a big one for me was,  It is possible to heal from all these traumas.

I am taking much more responsibility compared to when I started the program. 

I have become aware of my own feelings and connect more to my needs and desires

I am choosing to focus my energy on serving my mission and a higher purpose. Making this decision was a pivoting moment in my life. I have thus invested in Mariam's second program On Truth and Purpose!

What I liked most about the structure of the program was that Everything is extremely organized with the tools you need all written out, steps to take before a session, follow up after, etc. 

Even though I have done ‘The Journey’ in the past, I found myself going much deeper in it and I enjoyed working with my shadow to help release its hold on my life., under Mariam's guidance and support. Plus we are empowered with our own unique tools, resources, gifts, and methods to create boundaries and move forward. Such as I received gifts to help me feel strong and proud of myself, have more trust and confidence to step into being a leader, and to help me feel more safe and comforted.

I connected to my native American guide and was encouraged to turn inwards for validation and guidance…and so much more.



Mariam is a gifted healer who can help you to find the root cause of your struggles.  She goes above and beyond to help her clients and truly wants them to receive the maximum results possible with her programs.

If you are considering signing up to work in her amazing program - 5 weeks Program - ‘Let Go and Live’, My advice is, Yes!!! DO IT!!!  Mariam has true healing abilities. Her specialty of working with people who have dealt with certain issues such as feeling that others are jealous of them or put curses on them is the cherry on the top!  She is truly gifted in helping one to stop "putting a lampshade" on their light and overcome the obstacles to shining brightly in the world!

If in one word if I were to describe my transformation after doing the program, it would be freedom! - Amy Stogner

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