Available Services

Free Breakthrough Clarity Call

Are you feeling stuck or held back from living a free, happy, and successful life? Do you desire to have more focus,  direction, and purpose in life? Book a free breakthrough Call, and uncover your number one block in pursuing your passions and the steps needed to live a life true to your feelings, intuition, and mission on earth! 

Intuitive Mentoring & Coaching

Are you experiencing a challenge and require guidance on how to overcome it? My mentoring session is highly valuable, as I open my being to channel guidance intuitively for you. Being a powerful light worker, the support I hold enables you to make deep inner shifts and have more clarity and trust in moving forward.

Make Peace With Your Grief

A powerful service that helps you open up to love and live again! You uncover deep grief, that you are not even aware of, which is creating this feeling of being trapped, stuck, or in despair. You are supported to a breakthrough and break free so that you can give your dreams and passions your priority and attention.

Let Go & Live!

Helping empathic women let go of negative attachments from loved ones and by feeling held back in some way by societies or cultural judgment of them. I help them step more into their self-worth and increase their inner strength so that they can start living their own free, enthusiastic, & happy life!

Living on Truth & Purpose

In this program, we work with your soul patterns, inner-child traumas, and shadows that have caused you to people-please, overgive, play small or hide your gifts so that you can stay true to your feelings, express your desires with ease and align to a higher purpose and mission in life.

Like a Boss Lady

Helping one to heal the ancestral curse that is holding them back from fulfilling their legacy work so that they embody their full worth and potential and create a successful business serving their unique healing gifts to the world!

Stay aligned to your true-self and soul path practices!

Healing Visualisation - You get to activate practices and Integrate your soul light and lost parts allowing you to become clear on what feels true for you and grounded to stay on your true path. 

Energetic Alignment

Interested in getting deep energetic support for busting through limiting beliefs, patterns and fears standing in you way in taking action towards your dreams and goals, so that you can confidently move forward in serving your divine purpose and calling? Then this is for you.

Our Empowered Energetic Modality clears conflicting energies in 13 categories, aligning you with goals and empowering you with a step-by-step progress. 

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