Able to live a free life, fulfilling my dreams and know I am supported - Jabeen

Read Full Case Study 1 - Jabeen

Program Structure

I first got on a Free Breakthrough Call where I received much insight and guidance on the root of my challenges. I signed up to work with Mariam and was provided with some pre-work forms to fill that assisted me with having clarity on exactly where I was at the beginning of the program and on staying committed.

Session 1 - I was guided to set powerful intentions and aided with action and prayers that assisted me in getting the best of the healing and journey processes. I felt more in charge of my life!.

Session 2 - Mariam facilitated an energy healing session to support releasing the negative hold where I felt restricted to live a free life and helped me to uncover and align to my deep desires and vision. After this session, I felt incredibly confident to take risks and charge for my services. I hosted my art circle and it was successful!

Session 3 - Her check-in and follow-up sessions helped me immensely with understanding my dreams that were coming up while working with her and the changes that were happening in my life. Her helpful resources and distant healing inspired these dreams that brought out the true underlying fears I held and which I needed to release.

Session 4 - I experienced deep emotional healing and journeying process where I uncovered the memory that was responsible for my struggles and Mariam guided me through a deep healing and forgiveness process. My greatest takeaways from this session were working on inner child healing, Understanding how I had taken too much responsibility on my shoulders, and discovering the places inside me of love, spaciousness, and feeling limitless. 

Some of the results I experienced after the emotional journey session was I uncovered my purpose around grief and giving peace to people who are in pain and my channeling capabilities. My energetic capacity to hold space for my clients really increased. I noticed the change in the next 2 days. My intuition spiked. I became very clear on understanding my empath abilities.

Session 5 - We ended the program by being clear on my new identity and how I move forward from here. I will take time to understand and practice my healing capabilities, work on my art, write, speak and teach through them and gradually talk about spirituality. Also, pursue my master's in psychology and not put my life on hold.

I feel very abundant and happy. I can proudly call myself a healer and Lightworker.

My results at the end of the program and the mindsets I embodied:

"I feel freedom even though I'm still living in the same place that confined me before. I feel like there's an abundance of time and support for me and I don't need to rush anymore. I feel a higher understanding and empathy for everyone and find it easier to forgive people and develop different perspectives. I have allowed myself to become a channel to receive light and spread light. I feel confident in my abilities as a healer and excited to experiment and practice. I have truly embraced being a lightworker and have started talking about spirituality without fear. I have taken full ownership of my struggles and know I'm responsible for my life and how people treat me is a reflection of my own fears. During the program, I got invited to be on a podcast, 2 lives, and 1 opportunity to do in-person circles. I feel immense peace knowing that my father is protecting and guiding me even though he isn't here with me."

Lesson Activity


Mariam met me where I was, didn't push me, and took the time to understand me. She truly understood what I needed and worked wholeheartedly. I truly saw the change she had promised in the beginning and she did not overpromise at all. She has been very honest. It was very goal-oriented, brief, and to the point. Her healing audios were so powerful. I loved how she has a separate call for integration. I love her approach to making the client self-reliant. It doesn't feel like all other healing work where the client isn't involved. Mariam works through you and talks during the healing. This approach is very transformative. She was so so involved in everything


Mariam holds a loving and caring space for her clients to process and she is excellent at understanding the unspoken needs of clients and getting them to speak. She is a great listener and doesn't interrupt, judge, or force her guidance. .she makes the client feel very safe to speak and doesn't push them to speak. If you are considering signing up to work in her amazing 5-week program - Let Go and Live! advice is to do it! It will truly transform your concept of freedom and bring so much empathy, even to people who wronged you If in one word I were to describe my transformation after doing the program, it would be Limitless - Jabeen Qadri

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