People Pleasing and Unhealthy Care-giving roles

In this episode, you will learn the following:  Understanding the Impact of Caregiving Roles on Relationships & Fulfillment  Investigating How Trauma Can Lead to People Pleasing & Unhappiness  Exploring Forgiveness & Soul Reading as Tools for Healing & Self-Love.

Unconscious Manipulation

Let me take you back to my childhood story. When I was three, my mom went on a trip and left me with my dad. I felt like she abandoned me, so I started making her feel guilty to get her attention. This started a pattern where I relied on her for everything, and she felt the need to always take care of me. It was like a game we were playing without even knowing it.

Letting go of being a Savior

These past few weeks have been a whirlwind of events, leaving me pondering where to begin. In my previous blog, I delved into relinquishing the need to be a servant to others and choosing to master my destiny. Interestingly, shortly after that blog, life orchestrated a similar challenge that called for my attention.

Master of your Own Destiny

Liberating Your Inner Boundaries: Master Of Your Own Destiny Do you ever sense an invisible tug, urging you to extend yourself even at the cost of your own well-being? Is there an unsettling feeling that if you don't comply, something bad might happen? Do your priorities often take a backseat to someone else's needs and requests? If these scenarios resonate, please know that you're not alone. As I pour these words onto the page, I too am navigating the journey of untangling myself from those ...

Stepping into A BADASS Mariam 2022

Embracing Authenticity: Unleashing My Truth On the morning of my birthday, a fierce fire within me roared—a desire to roar myself. To let my voice be heard, to unleash truths that have been bottled within, and to stand unapologetically in my own skin. The fear of expressing our truths steers us away from the life we're destined for. It shackles us from aligning with our higher purpose, stifling our service to truth. This day, this awakening feels like a liberation from lifetimes of ...


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