Overcoming The Vow to Be a Caretaker - Becky

I worked with Mariam in her first program LET GO AND LIVE! I was feeling overwhelmed with all the weight on my back. I didn’t know where to start unpacking it. Working with Mariam, brought clarity and helped me unpack them step by step.  It felt like removing these big boulders I was carrying that were so draining for me. I have stopped feeling so helpless and hopeless and I feel so much lighter and freer. My relationships improved and I could now have decent conversations with my loved ones and not feel as if I am being lashed out at. I have become so much more patient and understanding.  It was truly a miracle!

I decided to sign up for her next-level program On Truth and Purpose. Some challenges I wanted to work with are Healing my need to make everyone happy and placing my needs second. I really needed someone to guide and help me with the reason, I felt not deserving. I had this feeling that I needed to have or be less and go without so that others don’t suffer. 

I desired more than anything To release the need to control and my fear of being alone. To be true to my needs and be adequately compensated for my services. 

In our first session, Mariam does a soul pattern reading and she uncovered my deep-rooted patterns of having vowed to be a caretaker role and sacrifice my happiness so as to be a devoted servant to others. She helped me to set intentions so I can become free from these roles and start choosing myself and my happiness. 

As we worked on my healing my childhood wounds and integrating my shadows I became aware of my codependency traits and when I slip into the caretaker role. I started seeing where I had zipped up my emotions and how I took on others' feelings. I learned how to sit, feel and process my emotions. I opened my being to having compassion for myself and others. It was as if a big weight had been lifted from realizing that others' happiness does not depend on me and learning to discover what makes me happy.

I have learned to find the lessons in the obstacles and To Be Kind with boundaries. Asking who this emotion belongs to? Is it my energy or someone else’s? To have the courage to move forward knowing that I am supported by my guides and past loved ones. To start speaking my truth and not bottling things up as the latter only creates resentment. That they are a balance in taking care of one's needs and those of others. I learned to see a different perspective of situations and that we have a choice.  I have opened up to receive and allow abundance into my life. 

My results thus far are, that I started receiving respect from others for speaking my truth. I started to promote my business with confidence and started feeling joy and ease to share my healing gifts. I'm able to say that I am a Medium and not hide this gift.  I have let go of the fear of being judged. I am realizing my value and the value of the service I offer. I am allowing myself to be paid my worth!  I have let go of some friendships, realizing they have served their purpose. I am speaking the truth with kindness and allowing others to have an opinion, and the right to agree to disagree. My Relationship with God has become stronger. I have stepped more into my sovereign being and come from a place of heart and my soul's gift of divine kindness. I am also clear on my purpose of offering grief support using my reiki, tarot, and mediumship. 

I manifested while working on the program my own beautiful office space and a desk I love. I trusted that I would have the income to pay the rent. I am more confident to put myself out there and advertise. 

I would recommend Mariam and her programs because She cares about each client. She encourages and holds space and shines a light on situations by asking questions allowing you to discover the answers from within. She helped me uncover deeper parts of myself that have not been serving me and helped me change. She showed me how to make peace with the obstacles in my life...... she’s just the best and so humble. I am  Extremely grateful for Mariam! 

What I liked most about the structure of the program was That it continues to build on each discovery. I found the Akashic Reading on my Soul gifts and Soul patterns to be very enlightening. It was very comforting to face my fears of having Mariam there with me. It did take a lot of courage to face my shadows,  but I am stronger because of it! Mariam is great at the clarity she brings and her ability to sort the issues out.  It is not just a band-aid on the wound. But she addresses the issue and gives the tools to set it free and find the lesson in the pain. 

If in one word I were to describe my transformation after doing the program, it would be Courage - Becky Bottrell

I am really excited to continue working on her next-level program - Like A boss lady!

Lessons for this module 6
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