Journey Within Membership Reviews

These reviews are from my membership program, clients who worked in a membership program called the Journey Within! I have discontinued this service for now!

I was very serious and very stressed very everything until I joined the group. Shukar alhumdulillah  with all your assistance. Apa Mariam, I have become lighthearted.  Changed my attitude. My thoughts were helter-skelter I couldn't concentrate and with time Shukar Alhumdulillah  I could focus on 1 thing at a time. And best of all I have fun. And I am changing for the better. It's only through Allah Rahmat and hukm we have met and May Allah guides us all on the اهل نا صراط المستيم. Straight path -. Asiah 

I worked with Mariam Safla during Ramadaan in the Journey Within Group, I must admit I was a bit reluctant as I worked on other programs with other coaches and I wasn't quite getting sustainable results.  My 1 on 1 with Mariam, was awesome.   We went through processes and she held a vision for me that I could see clearly.  I have started living this vision with the tools and guidance Mariam has provided me with.  I will definitely book other sessions with her, as  the road to enlightenment is never-ending - Rehana

"Alhumdullilah Mariam I’m feeling great fear does not have me running in circles anymore I feel like I have thrown it intention was for me to move away from my normal circle of only serving family..Allah has opened that door for me as well...people are starting to contact me more now also and people are referring me to others...I believe in myself I feel the power of Allah within me."

"I have come a long way, before I started my mind was all over the place. I wanted to do a lot of things, but didn’t know how to achieve or focus, I was overthinking. I felt judged by everyone like I was not good enough. Alhumdullilah now my mind is clear I’m at peace. I feel like I’m getting to know myself better and I understand now how to overcome my fears. I am grateful to Allah I have achieved most of what I set out. I have found myself and have Allah in my heart soul and mind."- khoorshid

When I listen to your audios, I feel I’m in presence of Allah and the healing videos are of shifaa and connecting to Allaah on a deeper level. I feel blessed, I feel Allaah gives me the energy, and I feel a sense of tranquillity. I love talking to Allah. Thank you so much sister Mariam. May Allah reward you abundantly. - Shaheen

Jzkhair for all help Mariam, I find that I'm more confident and believe in myself. I don't stress about things anymore, I'm much calmer, so shukr being on this group has been really helpful, Actually, I made dua to let go of guilt and shukr is not there anymore. Alhamdulilah- Hajra

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