Blog Uncovering Shadows

Uncovering Shadows


Uncover Your Shadows: Transforming Childhood Trauma into Empowerment

Do you ever feel like you’re not truly living your life? Do you often sacrifice your happiness or prioritize others' needs over your own? If you answered yes, this blog is for you.

Hi, today, I want to share how decisions made during traumatic times can create shadows in our lives. My specialty lies in guiding you to uncover these shadows and live authentically.

Understanding the Shadow Self

Did you know that any decision made during a traumatic time can lead to the creation of a false identity? This false identity becomes our shadow self, not our true self. Shadow work is about surrendering and integrating this false self to live from our most authentic and radiant being.

Struggles my clients come to me with;

  • They feel they have to do everything themselves. They struggle with asking for help.
  • Take charge of everything at home, believing that if they don't everything would fall apart.
  • People keep coming to them to fix their problems.
  • They lack boundaries and are unable to say no. 
  • They are afraid to show their feeling and be vulnerable. 
  • They have difficulty expressing their desires and wants.
  • They have no zest for life and feel held back in someway.
  • They get easily distracted and have difficulty completing their tasks.

The Root Cause:

From working with clients globally in my Soul Being Blueprint program, I’ve found that during traumatic childhood experiences, we make decisions that lead us to adopt unhealthy roles. These roles  become the source of our life struggles. If we felt lack of love, care and support in childhood, we decide to take on a overprotective or caretaker mom role. If we experienced some injustice, we decide we will be the warrior and save people from the same injustice, or if we were made to feel not important or unwanted, we can take on a people pleasing role so that people will like us an we get to feel needed.

Client Examples of Unhealthy Roles:

  • Caretaker and Martyr Role: One client saw her mom’s pain when her dad left and decided to take care of her mom and siblings. She decided, “I will suffer so mom can be happy.”
  • Savior Complex: One client witnessed her mom being abused and decided, “I will save mom.”
  • Martyr Role: Another clients mom sacrificed so much for them, she stayed in an abusive relationship and persevered so that her children were always happy and protected. This client decided she will never do anything that will make her mom unhappy. She is living for her mom not for self.

When we make decisions from a place of anger or hurt, we think we’re doing good. In reality, we’re disconnecting from our true selves, adopting false roles that lead to resentment, anger, and discontent. These roles create similar struggles in our life until we decide to break-free and adopt a new healthier role. 

The Path to Freedom:

First, you need to uncover the traumatic memory. Many clients aren’t aware of the decisions they made because our shadows are hidden, repressed parts of ourselves. Here’s what I do:

  • Uncover Childhood Memories: We uncover limiting beliefs and fears.
  • Make Peace: We make peace with the people involved and create new stories and beliefs.
  • Willingness to Change: Only from a place of peace will you be willing to uncover the darker aspects of yourself. With my guidance, we uncover the decisions and shadows created at that time.
  • Self-Forgiveness and Empathy: Self-forgiveness and empathy are crucial. You must be willing to surrender to this process.

Your decisions shape your life. Become mindful of the decisions you’re making, especially during difficult times. If you have patterns of being an overprotective mom, a caretaker and not allowing yourself to be successful, or you are avoiding happiness, it may stem from a decision you made. These shadows need to be brought to light.

This is my specialty—helping clients free themselves from unhealthy roles and step into their most empowered being. If you feel called to this work, book a free clarity call with me.  Breakthrough Clarity Call

I encourage you to look at a traumatic past memory. Journal about all the beliefs, feelings, decisions, and fears that could be present in that memory. Then, make a decision to heal it, make peace with the people involved, Change the narrative of that memory and start living from your authentic being.

Doing deep inner work is the best gift you can give yourself. I’m proud to provide a level of support like no other. Let’s embark on this journey of healing and empowerment together.

Start today. Embrace your true self. The path to wholeness and empowerment awaits.


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