Blog Stubborn Shadows

Stubborn Shadows


Do you find yourself resisting when someone tells you to do something? Or do you prefer doing things on your own, rejecting others' instructions? This reaction might be more than just a quirk; it could be a stubborn shadow personality formed from difficult childhood experiences.


Stubbornness is a trait that many of us are familiar with, whether in ourselves or in those around us. It's that inner voice that resists external demands and insists on doing things our own way. But where does this trait come from, and what impact does it have on our lives? Through my work with clients and my own personal experiences, I've come to understand the roots and repercussions of stubbornness, and how it often masks deeper emotional wounds from our past.

The Roots of Resistance

Stubbornness often begins in childhood. Some of us are naturally strong-willed, but this trait can also develop as a defense mechanism in response to feeling controlled or misunderstood. When someone, especially a parent, tries to impose their will on us, it can trigger a rebellious streak. This defiance can become a way to assert our independence and protect our sense of self.

A Personal Reflection

In my own childhood, my mother constantly nagged me to keep my drawers clean. She would label me as lazy or dirty when I didn't comply. This incited a stubborn rebellion within me. I refused to clean my drawers, not because I wanted to be messy, but because I resented being labeled and controlled. This resistance wasn't about the act of cleaning itself, but about maintaining my autonomy in the face of what felt like an unjust demand.

This pattern of stubbornness followed me into adulthood. I married someone who also struggled with clutter, and I found myself labeling him as lazy and dirty, just as my mother had labeled me. His rebellious behavior mirrored my own past actions, creating a cycle of frustration and conflict.

Understanding the Mirror Effect

The people in our lives often reflect our own unresolved issues. When we encounter traits in others that trigger us, it's a sign that we may possess the same traits. This concept is known as the "mirror effect." Instead of blaming others, we should turn our attention inward and recognize how these patterns manifest within us. By changing ourselves, we can transform our external reality.

Integrating New Patterns

To break free from this cycle, I worked on understanding and integrating my stubbornness. The key lesson I learned was that I needed someone to show me the benefits of doing things, rather than just telling me to do them. Now, I motivate myself by highlighting the benefits of tasks and even giving myself incentives. With my husband, I intend to focus on the benefits of a clutter-free home and offer special incentives for maintaining it.

Client Lessons

One of my clients had a strong sense of what felt right for her. She rebelled against anything that didn't align with her feelings. Our work together involved giving her the freedom to make her own choices based on what felt good to her. This integration allowed her to act from a place of happiness and alignment. She also realized that her stubborn ego often shut her down and prevented her from expressing herself. By writing down her thoughts and seeking clarity, she learned to take action and communicate her truth effectively.

Another client recognized how her stubborn nature had cost her many happy moments in childhood and her present life. Through our sessions, she forgave herself, surrendered her stubbornness, and chose to appreciate her parents' efforts. This shift allowed her to enjoy her life more fully.

The Sad Reality of Stubbornness

What I found particularly sad was seeing how holding onto stubbornness can keep us lonely and living a miserable life. One client realized that she refused to commit to many things because of a fear of getting hurt. She was able to change the meaning of her childhood memories and saw that she was loved and cared for. Even though there are people who might hurt us, there are also people who truly love and care for us. By embracing this belief, she allowed herself to commit to living a beautiful dream life with a dream partner.

Another client witnessed how holding grudges and bitterness towards family kept her stuck and miserable. Her stubborn refusal to forgive and make peace only led to an unhappy and lonely existence. By letting go of these negative feelings, she was able to open up to a happier, more connected life.

The Bigger Picture

When we integrate these patterns and practice what we've learned, we become free from old ways of being and create positive experiences in our lives. God places people in our lives who mirror our limiting beliefs and shadow patterns, so we can reflect on what is within us. Taking responsibility for our patterns helps us stop the blame game, release the victim mentality, and set us on the path to a fulfilling life.

Positive and Negative Impacts of Stubbornness

Stubbornness has both positive and negative impacts on a person's life:

Positive Impacts:

  • Strong Will and Determination: Helps one persist through challenges and achieve long-term goals.
  • Focus: The stubborn person knows what they want and can stay focused on their objectives.
  • Independence: Being less swayed by others' opinions fosters a sense of self-reliance.

Negative Impacts:

  • Strained Relationships: Inflexibility and unwillingness to compromise can lead to conflicts with others.
  • Missed Opportunities: Unwillingness to change plans or adapt to new situations can limit growth.
  • Personal Stress and Frustration: A rigid mindset resistant to change can cause stress when things don't go as planned.
  • Limited Growth: Prevents learning from others, accepting feedback, or trying new approaches.

Moving Forward

Letting go of stubbornness is a gradual process that involves self-awareness, empathy, flexibility, and a willingness to change. It requires patience and practice but can lead to more harmonious relationships, reduced stress, and increased personal growth. Here are some tips to assist you:

  • Recognize and Acknowledge: Reflect on situations where stubbornness has been beneficial and where it has caused problems.
  • Practice Flexibility: Make small changes in your daily routine to become more comfortable with change.
  • Seek Feedback: Ask for and genuinely consider feedback from trusted friends, family, or colleagues.
  • Consider Choices: Evaluate the different choices you have and the benefits of each option.
  • Understand Perspectives: Try to see things from others' viewpoints to understand why they might think or feel differently.
  • Open to Possibilities: Realize that being stubborn can close doors to many great opportunities.
  • Work with a Coach: A transformation coach can help uncover and heal the childhood memories that created stubborn behaviors and beliefs.


Stubbornness is a complex trait that can both protect and hinder us. By understanding its origins and learning to work with it, we can transform stubborn resistance into a source of strength and clarity. This journey requires introspection, self-compassion, and a willingness to change. The rewards, however, are profound: healthier relationships, personal growth, and a deeper sense of peace.

As we navigate our lives, may we remember that every challenge, including our own stubbornness, holds the potential for growth and transformation. Letting go of stubbornness and embracing flexibility can lead to a more fulfilling and connected life

If you find yourself struggling with unhealthy patterns or want to learn your life lessons, consider working with someone who has done their own inner work. They hold the light to guide you on your healing journey and show you the way!

Feel free to connect with me to see how I can support you.

You may also check out this insightful blog post I found on the internet, on the reasons behind stubbornness: Why Are People Stubborn?


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