Blog My Self-Healing Journey

My Self-Healing Journey


For over 20 years, I have been dedicated to the journey of self-healing. My path began when I made the crucial decision to take responsibility for my life. I firmly believe that if you want to change your life, you must first change what is within you: the generational and ancestral patterns, the limiting beliefs and fears, and the narratives you hold about past experiences.

My healing journey truly began the day I asked myself how my parents' patterns were shaping my present experiences and struggles. This question opened the doors to the world of self-development, and I dove deep into learning everything I could about it. I invested in various healing therapies and courses, eager to transform my life.

My deepest desire to know and love God led me to become an avid student, preacher and teacher of my religion, Islam. I questioned though how one could be a true lover of God or preach about God while holding judgments, malice, anger, hatred, and other vices in their heart.

To my greatest joy I discovered tools that helped me uncover the true direction to connecting with God - the journey within. The path to removing all the veils that block you from your true essence and divine being—the light of God within us. Each day, I worked on removing these veils, making peace with anger, hatred, and resentment. As my inner light began to shine, I was able to address my own shadows, ego, and darkness. I found that surrendering each vice activated my intuitive and healing gifts to a greater degree, and most importantly, activated the divine qualities of God;  such as love, compassion, patience and so many other beautiful qualities. 

The journey within requires us deciding to take responsibility for our life experiences, embracing all of our emotions, forgiving,  making peace with past experiences, and changing the narrative of our past pain. This process allows the divine light to shine from within, as the famous Sufi poet Rumi said,

"The wound is where the light enters."

By embracing our childhood wounds and making peace with them, we uncover the lessons they are meant to teach us. These lessons are the light we shine into the world, attracting those who most need to learn from our experiences.

You may read more about my life lessons and experiences I have had working with clients via my blog posts -

Currently, I serve clients online through my "Magically Thrive" programs, helping individuals break free from what I call the MSC role, where one tends to sacrifice their happiness by taking on the roles of Saviour, Martyr, or Caretaker. My signature program, "Soul-Being Blueprint," helps individuals break free from these roles and live a life true to themselves and their higher purpose. Feel free to schedule a clarity call with me to uncover the root patterns that have held you back from living your best, happiest, and most successful life.


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