Blog Generational Trauma Healing: Time to speak up!

Generational Trauma Healing: Time to speak up!


Generational Trauma: Time To Speak Up!

Hello everyone, I'm here to share some generational trauma healing experiences that I’ve undergone, both personally and with a client. Generational trauma healing is a powerful tool that can help break long-standing patterns within families. These patterns often manifest repeatedly across generations, affecting various aspects of our lives. Let's delve into what generational healing has accomplished for me and my client.

Personal Journey

One prominent pattern I discovered in my own family was the inability to speak up. My mother, for instance, due to family pressure was forced to marry my dad. This inability to assert herself influenced her entire life and, consequently, shaped my upbringing. This pattern of not speaking up also appeared in my life and my sister's, affecting our ability to assert ourselves in different situations.

Through generational healing, I traced this pattern back to my great-great-grandfather's time. The belief that women shouldn't be given freedom to do or say as they please and they must be kept at home. They feared that if women were given their freedom, if they were sent out to work or attained higher studies, they might bring dis-honor to the family. This limiting pattern had been passed down through the generations, causing us to feel held back and unable to progress in life.

Using energy healing and my Intuitive gifts I got to uncover the root memory and address this belief, leading to a profound transformation. I realized that teaching women the consequences of their actions and allowing them to make their own choices, will only empower them to choose correctly that brings honor to the family. This shift in belief has not only liberated me but also promises to positively impact future generations in my family. I am grateful for this shift!

The Key Lesson that was needed to be learnt, was women needed to start speaking up for what they want, saying no when something does not feel right for them and  listen to their body guidance and intuition more. 

As I practice the above lesson more and teach it to others, I allow myself and my family to be be free from this pattern.  

Client's Journey

A client of mine faced a different generational pattern, with the same lesson though, and that is; To Start Speaking Up!

She was burdened with too much responsibility from childhood and felt unappreciated or acknowledged. Through generational trauma healing, we discovered that this pattern originated from a belief her family carried for generations, that the elders in her lineage must bear all responsibilities and that there was no need for any recognition. This belief had been passed down, causing her to feel undervalued and overburdened.

We traced this pattern back to its roots, an a past memory was uncovered, were parents were placing too much responsibility on the eldest of the family and it was just taken for granted. Once again using energy healing techniques and my intuitive gifts, We were able to do the clearing and shift her perspective to a more empowering belief.  She was able to see that it was okay for the eldest to take on responsibilities, and at the same time be acknowledged, praised and appreciated for all that they do. This then motivates them to do more without feeling it to be a burden. 

The most profound healing took place when she realized that it was okay to forgive and make peace, as she understood the lesson God wanted her to learn and that is; To Start Speaking up for Herself and her Rights!

What I discovered after doing this amazing healing was that generational trauma is only causing us to stay small, hide our gifts and stopping us from serving a greater purpose! When we find our voice and confidently start speaking up, we can share this knowledge and let it be a light for others. 

I hope this post has shed some light for you. I would love to hear your insights in the comments. 

 Practical Steps for Healing

Here are some steps we took that you can apply to your own healing journey:

  • Understand that our life struggles, that don't seem to leave us, can stem from deep-rooted beliefs carried in our family for generations.
  • Know that some of us have been chosen in our family to stop this pattern. 
  • We are born with all the knowledge and tools that are already within us.
  • A coach only shines the light for you to uncover your truth and activate your tools.
  • Recognizing the beliefs your family carries, and doing the work to release them is what is most needed to becoming free from it.
  • Embody your new pattern by making time to reprogram the new beliefs that you want to hold and pass on to future generations.
  • Allow yourself to grieve and express any anger. Embrace and Express all of your emotions.
  • Making peace requires you to understand the greater purpose and the lesson the struggle is here to teach you.
  • To understand that everything is happening 'FOR YOU!' NOT  - 'TO YOU!'
  • Anchor the lesson needed to learn by taking practical action steps in regard to it.
  • Implement a daily accountability practice to acknowledge your shifts and apply the lessons you needed to learn.
  • Get support and invest in an intuitive transformation coach and energy healer to guide you through the process.


Generational healing has the potential to create profound changes in our lives. By addressing and releasing deep-seated beliefs, we can break free from limiting patterns and embrace our true potential. My journey and my client's transformation are testaments to the power of this healing process.

If you resonate with these experiences and need support in your healing journey, I’m here to help. Together, we can uncover and release those deep-seated patterns, enabling you to live a more empowered and fulfilling life.

Thank you for reading, and I wish you all the best on your healing journey.Feel free to reach out if you have any questions or need further assistance on your path to generational healing.

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