Blog Deep Gratitude 2023

Deep Gratitude 2023


My heart overflows with gratitude as tears of joy stream down my face. Today marks the completion of my final lesson in the online program, a significant milestone toward realizing one of my miracle intentions for 2023 – sharing my expertise through paid speaking events. Manifesting this aspiration was no less than life-changing. Hosting my inaugural online group in 2023 has been transformative beyond words. The wealth of knowledge shared among the members has been truly exceptional, unveiling inspiration and wisdom that surpassed my expectations.

Within each of us resides a treasure trove of knowledge, waiting to be unleashed and shared with the world. It's not about accumulating more books or courses; rather, it's about discovering a system that allows us to connect with the deeper wisdom dwelling within ourselves.

This journey has been a revelation, especially in crafting a unique inner compass strategy for the Empowered Soul Service members. It was an inspired moment, one that emanated from the depths of my being, resonating with a profound resonance. Additionally, the unveiling of the 9-chakra system was a gift I am deeply grateful for. This revelation empowered the members in a truly powerful and unique way, enabling them to lay robust foundations for their core businesses.

Our live calls served as a conduit for an extraordinary 'Unlock Your Abundance' process. This process, born from early morning downloads, supported the members in shedding the veils of their limiting beliefs, fears, and shadows that had been hindering their path to manifesting their abundant being in the world.

The most empowering realization? Every individual possesses a seed of potential planted within by the Divine. It requires time, courage, and embracing discomfort to nurture this seed, cultivating it to offer abundant value to the world.

Guided by the words of Mirianne Williamson, I hold onto the belief that playing small doesn't serve anyone. Each of us carries the glory of God within us, a seed of potential seeking manifestation. This alignment with the Empowered Soul Service is about tapping into this potential, fulfilling our greatest purpose, and leading our most abundant lives.

Here are some of the successes shared by the Empowered Soul Service members thus far:

  • "I am more productive and now prioritize enjoying myself by applying my skills, and knowledge, and taking actions that align with my soul."
  • "I have shifted from procrastination and self-doubt to taking consistent actions, operating from my next-level being."
  • "I have transformed to stay in a high-vibing, calm state, safeguarding healthy boundaries and self-discipline while setting boundaries for others."
  • "I am expanding in forgiveness for past missteps, moving forward with correct alignment."
  • "I feel more connected to my heart and intuition, making present decisions."
  • "I am determined to move forward, feeling lighter and guided about the next steps."
  • "I feel more positive and open, constantly exploring new ideas and pathways."
  • "I feel less responsible for others and prioritize my dreams and life's work."

If you resonate with this transformative journey, consider joining the waiting list for my upcoming launch in early 2024. If you feel called to align your journey with mine, whether through 1:1 sessions or my online program, book a clarity call here

Remember, the clue to alignment lies in the intention for self-purification, enabling you to serve from your most authentic and divine being.


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