Blog Coffee Chat with Reena: A Journey of Self-Love, Parenting, and Personal Growth

Coffee Chat with Reena: A Journey of Self-Love, Parenting, and Personal Growth


I had the pleasure of a beautiful coffee chat with Reena from Vancouver, a mom of two wonderful daughters, Sana and Noor—the two lights of her life. Sana and Noor literally mean "light" in Arabic, and fittingly, Reena radiates that same brightness in her passion for personal growth and self-love.

This conversation was so fulfilling for me, especially as someone with a 4/6 profile in Human Design. People with this profile shine the brightest through their natural sociability and intuitive understanding of relationships. We don’t just connect for the sake of interaction—we connect for growth, and this is exactly what my **100 Coffee Chats Challenge** is about. I want to create connections around the world that support each other’s growth and help us all become better versions of ourselves.

### The Power of Showing Up

One of the key takeaways from our chat was how much gratitude Reena has for the mentors who have shaped her life. She spoke highly of those who’ve guided her, particularly highlighting Joe Dispenza’s *"Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself"*. Hearing her appreciation for these influences made me realize how important it is to recognize the power of showing up. I told Reena that tomorrow, by sharing her light and knowledge, **she** could be the person someone else looks back on and says, “If it wasn’t for Reena, where would I be?”

This really hit home for both of us. It’s a reminder that when we show up and share our stories, we might just be the catalyst someone needs for their breakthrough. You never know who is waiting for your message.

### Loving Yourself to Fly

When I shared my journey of learning to love and value myself, it sparked a deep connection between Reena and me. Reena’s passion is serving kids, which is a dream I also share. I told her about my **Grow and Glow Programs**, which I’m developing for teens and young adults to help them love and value themselves before they make life’s big decisions. 

This mission is so personal to me because I know firsthand what it’s like to not value myself. For years, I sacrificed, settled for less, and pushed good things away because I didn’t believe in my true worth. But I’ve done the inner work, invested in myself, and can now confidently say: **I love myself, and I value myself.** I want to reach young women before they fall into the same trap of not believing they deserve the best.

Reena’s motto, **FLY – First Love Yourself**, aligns so perfectly with this message. It’s such a powerful reminder that when we truly love ourselves, we take off in life. We FLY. It’s amazing how deeply we both resonate with this truth.

### The Best Version of You for Your Kids

One of the most profound things Reena shared with me is her "why"—the reason she does the work she does: **Work on yourself so that your kids can have the best version of you.** As parents, we often think about giving our children the best things in life, but how often do we think about giving them the best *version* of ourselves?

This chat really reinforced that idea for me. We both agreed that women often sacrifice themselves, putting everyone else first and leaving themselves last. The mom is usually the first to wake up and the last to go to bed. But Reena and I both know that to be the best mother or caregiver, you have to put yourself first sometimes. It’s about freeing yourself from guilt and learning to take care of you. **Be selfish so you can be the best version of yourself**—for your kids, your family, and your purpose.

### Breaking Free from the MSC Loop

I also shared with Reena how my coaching programs help women break free from what I call the **MSC Loop**—the Martyr, Savior, and Caretaker roles that so many of us fall into. These roles often lead to self-sacrifice, where we put our happiness last in the name of serving others. But the truth is, when we keep sacrificing ourselves, we drain our energy and become less effective in all the roles we play.

My deep message is this: **Take responsibility for the choices you’ve made in life, and for your happiness**. Stop playing the victim, stop waiting for others to make you happy, and start taking action to create the life you truly want. When we serve from a place of wholeness, we stop sacrificing and start thriving.

### The Joy of Connection

This coffee chat with Reena left me feeling energized, full of gratitude, and even more inspired. I am reminded of why I love people and why I started this 100 Coffee Chats Challenge. Each connection brings new insights, new opportunities, and the joy of shared growth.

Reena was kind enough to share some amazing resources and contacts with me, opening doors to even more growth and learning. I’m so thankful for this connection and excited to see where it leads.

**Key Takeaways from My Chat with Reena:**

- Show up and share your light because you never know who will benefit from it tomorrow.
- Loving yourself is the key to flying in life—when we value ourselves, everything aligns.
- As parents, we need to give our kids the best version of ourselves, not just the best material things.
- Break free from the Martyr, Savior, and Caretaker roles—take responsibility for your happiness and start creating the life you want.

Thank you, Reena, for such an enriching conversation. Here’s to more beautiful connections and continued growth!

If you’d like to connect with Reena and learn more about her work, you can reach her here:

Connect With Reena Here:


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