Blog Are You Struggling with Conflict in Your Marriage? Here’s What Changed Everything for Me…

Are You Struggling with Conflict in Your Marriage? Here’s What Changed Everything for Me…


Have you ever felt like someone is trying to break your marriage apart? Or maybe you believe others are envious of you, and it's affecting your relationship with your spouse? If so, please know—you are not alone.

Not even six months into my marriage, my mother-in-law told me something that shook me to my core. She warned me that if I didn’t do as they wanted, she would tell my husband the same words that Prophet Ebrahim once told his son Prophet Ismail—to change his doorstep. Meaning, I was not fit to be his wife, and he must get another.

I was devastated. It was one of the most shocking and painful moments of my life. This experience set the stage for years of power struggles, resentment, and inner turmoil. I developed so much hatred toward my mother-in-law, and over time, this created deep discord in my marriage.

I endured these challenges because of my love for God. I believed divorce causes the throne of God to shake, so I held onto my marriage, no matter how difficult it was. But the real breakthrough came when I experienced betrayal. It felt like my whole world was falling apart. I went through every stage of grief, and just before I sank into depression, I asked myself:

How are my childhood and my parents' patterns playing out in my life?

That one question changed everything.

I stopped blaming others and took responsibility for my healing. I embarked on an inner journey—uncovering my childhood wounds, limiting beliefs, and hidden fears. One by one, I transformed them, creating a new, empowering narrative.

My Greatest Revelation

I discovered that I was an empath—highly sensitive to energy. And because of my sensitive nature, I had been unconsciously attracting negativity.

This realization led me to study energy healing deeply. Over the past 20 years, I have mastered tools to combat jealousy, clear dark energy, and protect my peace. By facing my own shadows with love, I activated my healing gifts. Now, I use these gifts to help others clear negativity and activate their own inner light.

How My Marriage Transformed

Today, my marriage has improved dramatically. One of the biggest shifts happened when I started practicing Mental Fitness—the ability to recognize and rewire negative thought patterns (what we call "saboteurs").

I realized that I often approached conversations with my husband from a place of victimhood, which triggered negative reactions in him. Once I became aware of this, I changed how I communicated.

  • Instead of reacting from pain, I started responding from a place of love and confidence.
  • I introduced weekly date nights, focusing on being present and asking empowering questions.
  • I learned how to catch my self-sabotaging thoughts and shift into my inner wisdom, or sage state.

The results? Even my children noticed the change! They said, “We don’t hear you and Dad arguing in the mornings anymore.”

Now, I Want to Help You

I’ve been through the struggles that come with marriage, and I know what it takes to heal and thrive. That’s why I support women who feel stuck—those who have been sacrificing their happiness, playing the martyr, or living to please others.

As an empath, you have a unique purpose in this world. But fears, limiting beliefs, and negative energy can hold you back from fully stepping into your power.

If this resonates with you, I invite you to book a free Saboteur Discovery Session with me.

In this session, we will uncover:
✔️ The hidden thought patterns (saboteurs) that are sabotaging your happiness
✔️ How these patterns are affecting your relationships and success
✔️ How you can start shifting into a more empowered, peaceful state

As a newly certified PQ Coach, I use Positive Intelligence methods by Shirzad Chamine to help you master your mind and transform your life.

👉 Book your free Saboteur Discovery Session now and take the first step toward a more joyful, fulfilling life. 

Learn More - HERE

Schedule Your Free Session - HERE

✨ Every long journey begins with a single step. Take that step today. Let me shine my light and support you in unlocking your true happiness.


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